Applications will typically be solicited from students and their faculty mentors in the fall semester. Proposals must address biochemistry-oriented problems or questions and should support, expand, ...
The University of Delaware offers a Ph.D. program in Chemistry and Biochemistry that provides rigorous training and research opportunities for students interested in pursuing advanced degrees in these ...
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Delaware offers a diverse and innovative program that is dedicated to equipping the next generation of chemists, scientists, engineers ...
Over the last 2 years, 70% of our Chemistry and Biochemistry majors were accepted into medical school. The national acceptance rate is 42%. The Department is located in Hughes Laboratories and ...
2007: The state-of-the-art Edward A. Doisy Research Center becomes home to the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. It totals more than 206,000 square feet of research space. Scientific ...
The School of Biochemistry is one of the best departments of its kind in the UK and has an ... Our students have access to state-of-the-art teaching facilities, thanks in part to the faculty's status ...