Some opponents to a bill that allows public schools to offer a course on the Bible say it promotes "Christian nationalism." ...
What’s the Bible for? We asked dozens of writers to respond to this question in seven words or less, as well as to expand on ...
Iowa's public school students would have the option to take a course on the Bible under a Senate bill. Senate File 138 allows schools to offer the class as a social studies elective course to ...
What’s the Bible for? We asked dozens of writers to respond to this question in seven words or less, as well as to expand on ...
early Christians believed that the Hebrew Bible was God's book, and therefore a book that should cast light on current events and moral conundrums. For Christians, of course, the most important ...
And, of course, he's also a person ... Q: You and other scholars point out that there isn't evidence outside the Bible, in historic documents and the archeological record, for a mass migration ...