Bhutan’s unique approach to development, based on Buddhism and the philosophy of Gross National Happiness, continues to ...
locked contentreligious Bhutan Telecom Majesty contributed locked content in Rice dzong, Tshering locked contentMajesty Punakha contributed incarnations locked contentdzong, Wangdue Tshering in locked ...
br><br>In Buddhism Mipham as locked contentTenzin Festivals dgongs-'dus Head locked contentMipham Taktsang as century), locked contentdgongs-'dus education Head established locked contentas ...
They brought the Hindu religion with them as well as the Nepalese language, which is still spoken today over much of Southern Bhutan. There is not the same mingling of Buddhism and Hinduism as is ...
As the Trump administration considers imposing travel restrictions on dozens of countries, one name has raised eyebrows: ...
Mallepally Laxmaiah, International President of the Association of Buddhist Tourist Operators (ABTO), commended Bhutan, a ...
What does it take to break the glass ceiling in Buddhism and be fully ordained as a female monk or bhikshuni? In 2022 the kingdom of Bhutan ordained 144 women in an unprecedented ceremony.
This monastery, also known as the Gangtey Goemba, belongs to the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism and is an important ...
The United Nations Day of Vesak 2025 will officially commence on May 6 at the Vietnam Buddhist Academy in Ho Chi Minh City, ...
Addressing the valedictory session, Deputy Election Commissioner Ajeet Kumar reiterated India's commitment to deepening ...