A brotherhood of bearded fellows and mustachioed men took over The Waiting Room last night in a hirsute and hairy pack for the 2013 Buffalo Beard and Mustache Competition. Tickets were $10 to ...
Alfred Nash's English moustache took four years to grow. "It's only a toddler," he told us. It takes him between an hour and a half and two hours to style it. It was worth it: Nash won in his ...
The Fourways Review has been the voice of the community since 2003. Development in the area expanded at a rapid rate and through consistent, independent research, we kept up with readers ...
Mick "The Chops" Wallage will preside over next year's World Beard and Moustache Championships after winning three back-to-back titles himself. The competition is being held in the US over three ...
Some states provide residents (or, in some cases, their authorized agents) with the right to opt out of “targeted advertising,” “selling,” or “sharing” of personal information. Please ...
WhiskerMania, a facial hair competition, returns after a multi-year hiatus and will be held at Whirling Tiger in Louisville.
That’s because for the second year, the York Beard and Mustache Club will host its ... as North Carolina will compete in the wide-ranging competition, which features men and women showing ...
Some of the most creative beards and mustaches in the world gathered in Austria this past weekend to compete in the World Beard and Moustache Competition. Contestants were judged for mustaches ...
An curved arrow pointing right. Some 300 men gathered in Brooklyn for the annual National Beard & Moustache Championships. But before the official judges, the contestants hit Midtown Manhattan to ...
The following night will showcase hte beard and moustache competition across 13 categroies including Best Fake Beard and Over 12” Beard. Competitors are expected from as far afield as USA ...