Set goals for the conversation Before entering a difficult ... “I hate to take up everyone’s time” or "This might be a basic question,"" which signal to colleagues and superiors that your ...
Royal Roads University provides funding as a member of The Conversation CA ... One such policy is a basic income guarantee: an unconditional cash transfer from government to ensure people can ...
A conversation on human rights can become politically charged, but it really boils down to meeting people's basic needs, says Mayor Brandon Sakbun. Those basic human rights are not political, he said.
Courtney VanAuken/ Forum Editor Yes, I urge students to avoid conversation — but not all conversation, just that which is designed to legitimize horrible viewpoints. As the U.S. empire de-masks ...
When I joined UBI Lab Manchester in 2019, one of my reasons for getting involved was the idea of a just transition. I needed to see hope within the climate crisis, and basic income offered a possible ...