Early on in the research, the scientists discovered that it was the bacterial flagella – part of the cell that aids in movement – that enables the bacteria to invade cancer cells. So they ...
Their study, published in Microbiological Research, reveals that bacteria can evolve by losing their flagella, the structures responsible for movement. The study was led by Prof. Wang Junfeng from ...
The cell wall provides structural support and protection, while the capsule, found in some bacteria, plays a crucial role in resisting host immune attacks, adaptation to new niches and pathogenesis.
Early on in the research, the scientists discovered that it was the bacterial flagella – part of the cell that aids in movement – that enables the bacteria to invade cancer cells. So they ...
The protein that makes up flagella, called flagellin ... system—a protein complex that can move substances out of bacterial cells and into the environment, including inside plant cells or ...
Bacteria with flagella, or spinning tails, can move up to a hundred times their body length in a second—a large fish can only move about ten times its body length in a second. The strongest ...
and bacterial products such as metabolites and flagellin induce host IL-22. In an article published in Cell Reports, Nagler’s team demonstrated that Clostridia-produced flagella and indole, a ...
The effects Pulendran’s team found appeared to be mediated by Toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5), a molecule that mediates an immune reaction to flagellin, the protein which forms filamentous bacterial ...
The non-uniqueness of this 3D reconstruction is only observed, momentarily, when the flagellum is precisely parallel to the illumination plane, corresponding to a very small fraction of the cells ...