在德国就读预科课程 在德国生活和工作 证明您的德语成功达到B1水平 一张官方和国际认可的证书 歌德B1证书是针对青少年和成年人的德语考试。它证明考生已能独立使用德语,并获得 “欧洲共同语言参考框架”(GER)规定的六级能力等级的的第三级语言等级 ...
Set your own schedule on the learning platform Receive feedback from an online teacher Interactive group practice Mock version of the exam's oral module Have you almost completed level B1 in German ...
A new report has shown that thousands could be at risk of failing to meet the new, stricter language requirements to be brought in for foreigners in France - and could as a result lose their right to ...
A B1 level certification is a lower intermediate level and means you are proficient enough in the language to manage everyday interactions, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for ...
With France planning to bring in new, stricter language requirements for certain multi-year residency cards and citizenship ...
People applying for Norwegian citizenship or a permanent residence permit will need to prove their language skills by passing ...