Despite the creatures’ regenerative abilities, scientists are no longer finding them in their natural habitat of Xochimilco, ...
"These are gills," said Yu Mori, head of the reptile department. “They are used for branchial respiration, even after it grows into an adult.” The axolotl is a member of a family of newts ...
"It's an interesting little animal," said Yanet Cruz, head of the Chinampaxochitl Museum in Mexico City. Its exhibitions focus on the axolotl and chinampas, the pre-Hispanic agricultural systems ...
“It’s an interesting little animal,” said Yanet Cruz, head of the Chinampaxóchitl Museum in Mexico City. Its exhibitions focus on axolotl and chinampas, the pre-Hispanic agricultural ...
“It’s an interesting little animal,” said Yanet Cruz, head of the Chinampaxóchitl Museum in Mexico City. “Despite there being many varieties, the axolotl from the area is a symbol of ...
“It’s an interesting little animal,” said Yanet Cruz, head of the Chinampaxóchitl Museum in Mexico City. “Despite there being many varieties, the axolotl from the area is a symbol of ...
Axolotl (pronounced ah-sho-LO-tul ... brain,” said Fernando Gual, head of wild fauna conservation at the zoo. Scientists have also documented its ability to breathe with lungs and gills ...
“It’s an interesting little animal,” said Yanet Cruz, head of the Chinampaxóchitl Museum in Mexico City. Its exhibitions focus on axolotl and chinampas, the pre-Hispanic agricultural ...