Will Ash, who plays Caleb ... "It kicks off massively. I hurt myself filming it. I was hitting a bag and was going for it and I managed to hurt myself but I didn't have to go to hospital." ...
Ash Ketchum, the protagonist of the original Pokémon ... After Crystal found out that Arcanine was hurt, she took it upon ...
Ever since the Pokémon anime started airing in the '90s, the protagonist, Ash Ketchum, has caught about 77 different Pokémon of varying types. Some of his Pokémon have evolved to become ...
Pikachu has a battle win rate of 89% in 538 battles, proving to be Ash's strongest Pokemon. Greninja showcases a win rate of 87% in 55 battles, transforming into Ash-Greninja to secure victories.