A case is here reported of a semiprofessional athlete with a ruptured popliteus tendon without significant instability of the knee. The diagnosis was made by magnetic resonance imaging and confirmed ...
Although some benefit is observed, the presence of chondropathy at the time of surgery results in poorer outcome than cases with normal cartilage. Whether hip arthroscopy with osteoplasty will improve ...
A systematic review of elbow arthroscopy complications revealed that the overall complication rates range from 1.5% to 11%, with nerve injuries occurring in 1.26% to 7.5% of cases[1]. The review ...
Arthroscopy provides unparalleled access to all parts of the joint. It makes surgery that was typically incredibly difficult easy. It's less invasive. There's less bleeding. It hurts less.
Results of a study showed administration of IV tranexamic acid within 15 minutes of incision did not significantly improve ...
One surgical technique for locating and treating problems with the knee joint is knee arthroscopy. An arthroscope, a tiny camera, is inserted into the knee by the surgeon after making a tiny incision.