Film fans have praised this overlooked 90s war film with cameos from Oscar-winning actors Adrien Brody and George Clooney for ...
For much of his career, Clint Eastwood enjoyed making westerns more than anything else, but what’s his second favorite genre?
The annual Atlanta Jewish Film Festival is in full swing, and this year’s showcase includes a lineup of compelling movies with the theme of Holocaust and war stories. The festival, now ...
One of the most underrated new World War 2 films, dubbed John Wick vs the Nazis, has debuted at No 1 on the Netflix UK film ...
The 8 best one-person army movies include classics like Under Siege and Kill Bill: Vol 1 Films like First Blood and Oldboy elevate one-person army tropes with themes and character development.
Hiroo Onoda, a Japanese intelligence officer in the Imperial Army during World War II, is marooned on the Philippine island of Lubang for nearly 30 years and believes the war hasn't ended.
It might be hard not to laugh while watching one-man-army war movies. However, the narrative structure has its advantages.
Retired Col. Eric Terashima rates scenes portraying the Afghanistan War in movies. During his 30 years of service, Terashima had 12 deployments, including eight combat tours, three of which were ...
Retired US Army drill sergeant Lamont Christian rates US military boot-camp scenes in movies and TV shows for realism. Christian breaks down the early stages of boot camp in "Full Metal Jacket ...