Google Messages seems to be prepping a new "Mentions" feature that could make group chats much easier to navigate.
Google is working to redesign the Preferences screen within Google Messages, bringing it more inline what we see across ...
一旦检测到可疑内容,Chrome 浏览器会在用户安装应用前发出警告,提醒用户注意潜在风险。对于选择“仅遥测”的用户,只有启用“增强保护”的用户才会进行 APK 下载检查,且不会显示警告。这意味着谷歌将收集相关数据,用于改进恶意软件检测系统,为后续全面推广做准备。
IT之家 2 月 20 日消息,科技媒体 mspoweruser 昨日(2 月 19 日)发布博文,报道称在 Canary 频道最新安卓版 Chrome 浏览器中,谷歌正测试一项新功能,会 ...
Don't install APK files unless you've done your due diligence and have a good reason to trust the source. First, you'll need to download the APK file for the app you want to install. I'm going to ...