The goals of treatment are to decrease the frequency of angina, increase longevity, and improve patients' QOL. Management of risk factors is an essential component of this therapy. Also important ...
Während die meisten Angina pectoris-Formen durch eine Koronarsklerose entstehen, wird die Prinzmetal-Angina durch eine zeitweilige Ischämie des Herzmuskels (Myokard) verursacht. Bei einer Ischämie ...
Chest pain is often alarming, raising fears of a heart attack. However, there's another condition, called angina pectoris, that can mimic heart attack symptoms but is less dangerous if managed ...
DURING the past two years, interest in the use of vitamin E in the treatment of various forms of heart disease has been aroused by several reports of its efficacy appearing in medical and ...
Transient symptoms are referred to as angina pectoris (Latin for “a strangling feeling in the chest”). Diabetes, tobacco smoking, hypertension, lipid disorders and genetic factors (family ...
It affects or damages coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart. 2. Angina pectoris: Angina or angina pectoris is a condition or rather a symptom of coronary heart disease. It is a ...
whereas a non-STEMI results in myocyte necrosis with detectable enzyme abnormalities The symptoms of occlusive coronary artery disease can manifest as chronic stable angina pectoris or angina as a ...
Objective: To assess the clinical efficacy, safety and effects on quality of life of trimetazidine modified release (MR) in patients with stable angina. Methods: This large, open-label ...
Cardiovascular diseases including myocardial infarction (MI), angina pectoris, stroke, heart failure (HF) and atrial fibrillation (AF). They also find the importance of tailoring CVD prevention ...
Shenzhen Salubris Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. has disclosed relaxin receptor 1 (RXFP1; LGR7) agonists reported to be useful for the treatment of angina pectoris, acute kidney injury, chronic kidney ...