These are the full remarks made by Conan O’Brien upon receiving the 2025 Mark Twain Prize for American Humor at the Kennedy ...
Speaking of woke, O’Brien noted in his acceptance speech that Mark Twain held characteristics many would classify with that ...
Estimates suggest that black vulture depredation results in the losses of thousands to tens of thousands of cattle in the US annually. Historically, black vultures were endemic to the southeastern ...
The UK defence industry is another sector that has in recent years been colonised by American vulture capitalists and where their presence gives cause for disquiet. A short-termist, profit-seeking ...
Not only that, but they sought this redress specifically in American courts, and thus by appeal to US law. The Berizzi Brothers sued for $250 in damages; the vulture-fund owners of the Argentinian ...
They have swooped into elderly care, vets' practices, fostering and even children's homes.The UK defence industry is another sector that has in recent years been colonised by American vulture ...