This exercise is designed to help you crystallize your thoughts on how American English is spoken around the country. Here is a map of the United States divided up into its major dialect regions.
Keywords agriculture, farmland, corn, food production, mechanization, soil conservation, natural resources, American farming, crop management, irrigation Email us at [email protected] if you ...
USDA’s latest WASDE report released on Friday made minor revisions to the South American crop production estimates ... North says the current drought map shows the U.S. remains dry.
Every summer, millions of Americans take to the road. Whether or not they have a destination is rarely the point; the iconic American road trip is an end in itself. Professor Allyson Hobbs teaches ...
Black Belt The Black Belt is a region of the Southern US with a history of slave plantation agriculture and a high African-American population ... the predominant cash crop from the late 1700s ...
agriculture traders are now watching for potential cancellations on crop contracts that would put nearly 8 million tons of American corn sales at risk. The issue stems from so-called outstanding ...