KPRC 2's Re'Chelle Turner catches up with the pitmaster of Buc-ee's and owner of Holy Cow Cookers to get a tasty look at what's cooking during the World's Championship Bar-B-Cue Contest.
Lem’s Bar-B-Q ... in 1968 by James B. Lemons and is currently run by his daughter Carmen. This isn’t the first time a Chicago restaurant has been declared an American Classic.
In 2019, Dreamland Bar-B-Que founder John “Big Daddy” Bishop was inducted into the Barbecue Hall of Fame by The American Royal Association -- an honor awarded to three individuals each year ...
The James Beard Awards this morning honored one of Chicago's longest-standing Black-owned barbecue restaurants with its "American Classic ... award went to Lem's Bar-B-Q in Chatham.