In the awful fortnight that followed the atrocities of October 7, at a mosque in east London located not far from a synagogue ...
In an exclusive interview, Lord Walney said the Metropolitan Police and Crown Prosecution Service ‘face huge questions over ...
Abu Wadei reportedly left Strip for Europe before Oct. 7, previously posed with gunmen and participated in attacks on Israel; ...
Egyptian Al-Azhar Cleric Sheikh Yasser Mustafa Younes: "Allah willing, we will all merit to reclaim Jerusalem and all of ...
May the mercy of Allah and His blessings be upon you ... Maller has published over 850 articles on Jewish values in over a dozen Christian, Jewish, and Muslim magazines and web sites.
A migrant who has previously called for the murder of Jewish people and voiced support for Hamas has been arrested after ...
Official PA TV host: "The Palestinian woman [Jochebed] vowed to God that she would give [her child] in her belly to serve in ...