The authors' very act of "intervening" in litigation "as" moral philosophers invites the question of what philosophers can possibly have to teach Supreme Court Justices about law. Knowledge of moral ...
Kant. Descartes. Voltaire. All men. All white. A decade ago, a humanities project at Duke set out to elevate many of the lesser-known women of the field. Called Project Vox, it was a multidisciplinary ...
Alright, you’ve probably read a zillion articles about happiness online and you’re not a zillion times happier. What gives? <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> Reading ain’t the same ...
As a social philosophy major, you will acquire all the skills that employers say they want from a college graduate—the ability to think critically, to solve problems, articulate ideas and to read and ... presents a handy list of must-know Polish philosophers, in an information-packed guide to their most important ideas and the impact they made on the world. Few reformation movements were as ...
Animal lovers would say that all animals deserve moral consideration. This doesn't help resolve cases where the moral interests of different animals are in conflict. Philosophers have made valiant ...