As a Fighting- and Steel-type Pocket Monster, Mega Lucario takes super-effective damage from Fire-, Ground- and Fighting-type attacks, all of which deal 160% additional damage to the creature.
Ready to go Shiny hunting? Pokémon TCG Pocket Shining Revelry is set to drop shortly, and we've listed every known card so far.
Mega Evolution has gone severely underutilized in the anime, but Pokémon Horizons' next series is going to bring the concept back in full force.
Defeat Mega Lucario in Mega Raids during the season of Might & Mastery in Pokémon GO using these top Pokémon, attacks, and tips.
All the counters mentioned in the article must be maxed out to level 50 to achieve this feat. Based on that, the following are the counters that can solo defeat Mega Lucario in Pokemon GO on their ...
The decks in the “Gible Drop Event” focus on fighting-type cards from Gible’s evolutionary line. The signature cards in the deck, like Garchomp ex, are weak to grass-type attacks. As a result, you’ll ...
Mega Lucario is back in Pokemon GO's Mega Raids. This Fighting and Steel-type Pokemon is powerful and sought after. Players can evolve Riolu or catch it in raids. A Shiny variant is also available.
More than 1 in 4096 people are going to be excited about Pokemon TCG Pocket's upcoming expansion, Shining Revelry.