当涉及到对过去40亿年来地球上进化的所有蛋白质和酶进行编目时,人类知识几乎没有触及表面。这就是为什么一家名为Basecamp Research的公司正在将图形和人工智能技术结合起来,以扩大人类知识的范围并加速药物发现。
近日,美国未来学家艾米·韦伯(Amy Webb)在对未来技术趋势的报告中提出了诸多令人震撼的预测。她认为,到2025年,人工智能将与生物技术、先进传感器等领域深度融合,推动'生成式生物学'发展,并将大语言模型(LLM)推向'大型动作模型'(LAM),带来'活性智能'(Living Intelligence)的革命性突破。
Companies like Google say AI can accelerate scientific research. Many experts don't believe that's true, necessarily.
Google recently unveiled its “AI co-scientist,” a cutting-edge artificial intelligence tool designed to assist scientists in ...
Geoff Hinton and Yann LeCun both join advisory board of CuspAI, which aims to find novel materials that can help in the fight ...
Leveraging the power of the best AI website builders can help you build a better website faster than ever before. Wix tops the list thanks to its offering of powerful AI tools and a fully text ...
Researchers who have been given access to Google's new AI "co-scientist" tool are enthusiastic about its potential, but it ...
To understand why, it helps to appreciate the way that AI itself is changing. The technology is shifting away from conventional large language models and toward reasoning models and AI agents.
Sesame has a mini white paper you can read on its website, describing the model and its dataset of around one million hours ...
The quest for artificial intelligence (AI) began over 70 years ago, with the idea that computers would one day be able to think like us. Ambitious predictions attracted generous funding ...