Integral transforms including Laplace transforms, Fourier series and Fourier transforms. Cross-listed with AMTH 200. (2 units) MECH 201. Advanced Engineering Mathematics II Method of solution of ...
Extends the treatment of engineering mathematics beyond the topics covered in Calculus 3 and differential equations. Topics include non-dimensionalization, elementary asymptotics and perturbation ...
With a unique blend of advanced mathematics and real-world problem solving, you will combine mathematical theory, practical engineering and scientific computing to address today's technological ...
With a unique blend of advanced mathematics and real-world problem solving, you will combine mathematical theory, practical engineering and scientific computing to address today's technological ...
Extends the treatment of engineering mathematics beyond the topics covered in Calculus 3 and differential equations. Topics include non-dimensionalization, elementary asymptotics and perturbation ...
Students who enter Northwestern University with advanced placement credits often find they can complete two ... which allows students to pursue a bachelor's degree and master's degree simultaneously.