Both a building's users and its developers have a good reason to get excited about the new Troldtekt Plus 25 panel, this ...
Over five decades of innovative experiments, scientists and architects built a quantitative understanding of how a building’s shape, size and interior furnishings determine the quality of speech and ...
Dezeen Showroom: consisting of repeating battens, this acoustic system by Autex Acoustics provides a simple ... batten to enhance low-frequency sound absorption. Designed to reduce reverberation ...
This causes an absorption spectra, as shown below. Because the energy levels are the same, the lines in the emission spectra of an element are in the same position as the lines in the absorption ...
Acoustic Timber panels deliver outstanding sound absorption and warm aesthetic at Capalaba ...Autex Acoustics’ signature product is designed to realistically imitate timber, while ensuring an outstanding performance.
All three styles are made of Autex Acoustics' Cube felt panels and feature an air gap behind each batten to enhance low-frequency sound absorption. Designed to reduce reverberation and background ...
The apparatus used to model absorption in the small intestine can be set up like this. At regular intervals the liquid inside and outside of the Visking tubing is sampled and tested for starch ...