Seeing a loved one pass out with their eyes rolled back is a terrifying thing to experience. That minute or two you li ...
AFib doesn’t so much have types as it has durations. Doctors classify it by how long it lasts, or what causes it. The basic cause of AFib is disorganized signals that make your heart's two upper ...
AFib causes your heart to beat abnormally, which is a type of arrhythmia, but there are treatments that can help. Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a problem with your heart's electrical activity.
But when you are in Afib, faulty electrical signals make the upper chambers contract chaotically, creating as many as 400 or more beats per minute. This causes the atria to get out of sync with ...
The results showed that patients taking diltiazem had a 20% higher risk of being hospitalized or dying due to serious ...
AFib is also the leading cause of cardioembolic ... the number two and three causes of death in the U.S. — combined. Making meaningful, actionable changes to improve your overall health can ...
Ferris regularly works with AFib patients as the Coordinator of Carilion’s Structural Heart and Valve Clinic. She said because the blood is more still, it causes a greater chance for blood clots ...