【东大新闻网3月19日电】(通讯员 凌崇益) 近日, 东南大学 物理学院王金兰 、凌崇益团队提出 “单原子饱和度( S SA )” 模型,将客体金属电子-几何效应、主体金属调控规律及中间体吸附构型纳入统一框架,为单位点催化剂的理性设计提供了“原子尺规 ...
Researchers discover a way to potentially reduce CO2 emissions and decrease the need for chlorine to produce ethylene oxide — ...
Chinese scientists have recently achieved the fabrication of single-atom-layer metals with a thickness of merely ...
“X-ray beams are used everywhere, but since the discovery of X-rays in 1895, scientists have not been able to use them to ...
Quantum-based gravity sensors have probed fundamental physics, and they could transform our understanding of what’s just ...
Photoluminescent materials are more than just the glow-in-the-dark stars your parents glued to your bedroom ceiling as a ...
The team led by Delphine Bouilly, a professor in UdeM's Physics Department and director of IRIC's Electronic Nanobiosensor ...
For instance, a single-atom-thick sheet of carbon, known as graphene, is far stronger and more conductive than the graphite in pencil tips.