A federal appellate judge with the 9th Circuit is coming under fire for posting a YouTube video in a Second Amendment case. The judge --who was appointed by President Donald Trump--released the video ...
An appeals court ruled Thursday that California’s law banning gun magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition can ...
Judge Lawrence VanDyke released the video after a California appeals court upheld a ban on high-capacity gun magazines.
Former Point Lay school principal R. Brett Stirling was fired in 2022 for incompetence but challenged that decision ...
Judge Lawrence VanDyke of the 9th Circuit said he made the video to convey a “conceptual point” about how guns work. His ...
In a 7-4 decision authored by senior circuit Judge Susan Graber, the majority wrote that “a large-capacity magazine has ...
The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling reverses a lower court decision that had found the state law unconstitutional.
arguing that they had retaliated against him for speech protected by the First Amendment. Assessing the viability of those claims, the 9th Circuit applied the criteria established by a line of ...
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld California's ban on gun magazines that hold more than 10 bullets today, ...