Leuprolide acetate 3.75mg; depot susp for IM inj; preservative-free. Give as single IM inj into gluteal area, anterior thigh or deltoid; rotate inj sites. ≥18yrs: 3.75mg once a month for up to 3 ...
The trial aims to enrol 210 subjects and will test two different therapy doses of 50mg and 75mg against a placebo. The trial will last 36 weeks, followed by an open-label extension for an ...
unavailable; have RPh compound an emergency supply of oral susp. from 75mg caps (see full labeling for preparation). ≥13yrs: Treatment: 75mg twice daily for 5 days. Prophylaxis: after close ...
According to the findings, one patient on the 75mg/day dosage achieved a partial response (PR), with a complete response (CR) in her non-target lymph node disease, although this PR remains ...