在探索月球的征途上,诺基亚迈出了历史性的一步,尽管遭遇挫折,却仍留下了深刻的足迹。这家科技巨头原计划在月球上部署首个4G网络,为NASA即将展开的“阿尔忒弥斯三号”载人登月任务铺平通信道路。然而,由于着陆器意外偏离预定地点并侧翻,这一雄心勃勃的计划未 ...
Although 5G has now effectively reached the mainstream, you may still wonder what the big deal is and how it will improve your life over the 4G/LTE technologies that have been the standard for the ...
Michelle Yan: 5G is coming. Well, technically it's here. Kinda? Maybe? Slowly? This fifth-generation cellular network is 10 times faster than 4G LTE. That means instead of waiting five minutes to ...