Since my review of the MP Select Mini, Monoprice has introduced their top of the line, the Maker Ultimate 3D printer. Monoprice asked if I would like to take a look at this offering, and I’m ...
This short film for primary schools offers a step-by-step guide to making a 3D room out of card. Advice is given about which tools to use, folding and joining techniques are explained, as well as ...
So far I've had a chance to get an in-depth look at Sigil, Realm Engine, RPG Stories, and Dungeon Alchemist – all of which ...
The good thing about a 3D planis that it not only gives youa sense of the height and the widthof the room,which are two dimensions,but also the depth of the room,which is the third dimension.I ...
The Alachua County Library District (ACLD) opened its MakerSpace at the Headquarters Library on Saturday morning, with sewing ...