The human brain remains one of the most complex and least understood organs, but recent breakthroughs in genetic research have unveiled startling insights into how genes shape brain structure and ...
Manchester’s Professor Radha Boya investigates nanocapillaries’ design and fabrication. The first paper that described the fabrication of the angstrom scale 2D channels was co-led by Prof Sir Andre ...
Later, in their late 30s to early 40s, participants took MRI scans that gave researchers a unique look at how childhood experiences clearly shape the adult brain. “People generally know about the ...
"Our results suggest a universal blueprint for mammalian brain shape, and a common set of mechanisms governing cortical folding," concludes Mota. "We hope that our framework for expressing and ...
The surface of the sphere and the plane are two possible 2D spaces, meaning you can walk in two directions: north and south or east and west. What other possible spaces might you be living on?
From a young age, she knew she loved biology, and her family relationships with children placed in foster care made her question how environmental triggers such as stress and trauma can influence ...