In the first century of our era there were many sects ... They clearly are seen as the opponents of Jesus and "the bad guys." Who the Pharisees really were is a different question entirely ...
These gospels were probably written in the mid to late 1st Century. They were accepted as either written by Jesus’ apostolic disciples or the followers of these disciples. Some of the lost ...
Image caption, Christianity spread quickly through the provinces of the Roman Empire, shown here at its height in the early 2nd Century. The death of Jesus around the year AD30 did not mean the ...
He is Our Lord and Savior, the Almighty, The Alpha and the Omega. But according to scientists, Jesus Christ’s real ...
Mary’s story, however, is not the church’s earliest canonical account of Jesus’ first resurrection appearance. The story of Mary Magdalene being the first to encounter the risen Christ arises later ...
The pool of Siloam That explains how the Birth of Jesus came to be celebrated at every year end. But what of the year of His birth? None knows that for sure. When the Pontiff of the 6th century asked ...
Even if one accepts that there was a real Jesus of Nazareth, the question has little practical meaning: Regardless of whether or not a first century rabbi called Yeshua ben Yosef lived ...