“Often the best hats are the ones that go unnoticed because ... world of film was in creating some memorable recreations of 19th-century fashion in Jane Campion’s 1993 film, The Piano.
Here are iconic hat styles that have stayed relevant over the decades. The fedora is a classic hat style that became popular ...
the ladies following suit in their 19th century hats and long dresses. The only nods given to the 21st century were the contemporary bicycles they rode and the obligatory safety helmets worn when ...
The fashion trends and traditions resemble late 19th-century high-class British clothing. FUN AND EXTRAVAGANT KENTUCKY DERBY HATS THROUGH THE YEARS Read more to discover who started the tradition ...
In Stanisław Wasylewski’s monumental work Życie Polskie w XIX Wieku (19th-Century Polish Life), he wrote ... Apart from wearing the obligatory black, men also had to forsake their top hats or don more ...