本研究聚焦于牛足腐烂(Bovine Foot Rot, BFR)和牛数字皮炎(Bovine Digital Dermatitis, BDD)的病原学,通过16S rRNA基因测序和qPCR技术分析了不同病变阶段的细菌群落特征,揭示了Fusobacterium spp.和Treponema spp.在两种疾病中的差异性分布,为精准诊断和治疗提供了新的思路。
However, because only one gene out of each genome is examined, 16S sequencing provides very limited information about the functional potential of a microbial community. It also underestimates the ...
The following is a summary of “Diagnostic-avoiding Chlamydia trachomatis variants detected in cervical and endometrial ...