This was the first step to an important next step, which will be a meeting between President Xi and President Trump,” said ...
Steve Daines, a Republican senator and strong Trump supporter, suggested in Beijing that he was laying the groundwork for a ...
Chinese experts say Beijing is open to talks but is being stonewalled by the State Department and other official channels.
We need the two superpowers to get serious about devising a regulatory and technological framework that keeps A.I. under ...
周六,参议员史蒂夫·戴恩斯和中国国务院副总理何立峰在北京。戴恩斯希望成为特朗普政府与中国政府之间的中间人。 Pool Ng Han Guan ...
A new United States intelligence report has said that Chinese President Xi Jinping and his family hold assets worth over $1 ...
Chinese leader Xi Jinping is angry about a Hong Kong company’s plan to sell Panama Canal ports to a U.S.-led group, in part ...
The U.S. strategy of engagement with China was based on the premise that, if the United States incorporated China into the ...
The West thought China would be entranced by its freedoms. But now an American president is aping Beijing’s repressive ...
知情人士称,中国国家领导人习近平对香港公司 长江和记计划将巴拿马运河港口出售给美国贝莱德牵头的财团 感到愤怒,部分原因是该公司事先未征求北京方面的批准。 据知情人士,习近平的领导班子原计划将巴拿马港口问题作为与特朗普 ...
President Donald Trump told reporters on Monday that Chinese leader Xi Jinping would visit Washington, D.C. soon.
Markets whipsawed further Friday in response to President Donald Trump’s latest comments on tariffs, with stocks briefly ...