A GameCube controller for Nintendo Switch 2 is on the way, fans believe, based on a recently-spotted FCC filing.
New Nintendo filings have got fans excited by the prospect of a new GameCube controller potentially to be used to play ...
The GameCube controller could be making a comeback on the Switch 2, sparking excitement among fans eager for a classic gaming ...
参考以往爆料得知,任天堂确认将于4月2日举办 Switch 2 主题直面会,目前生产线已进入量产筹备阶段。最新消息显示,任天堂 Switch 2 游戏掌机的全新无线游戏手柄已通过FCC认证,手柄型号“BEE-021”,FCC ID ...
If Nintendo is secretly planning to add GameCube games to the Switch 2’s online service, then these 11 titles need to be ...
A new FCC filing by Nintendo has some fans speculating that the Switch 2 may receive GameCube controller support.
New leaks for the Nintendo Switch 2 suggest that GameCube games and Metroid Prime 4 are coming to the console.
此番Switch 2的预期售价并非单单是数字的提升,更是任天堂针对用户需求与市场环境的深刻洞察。分析师指出,尽管Switch 2的定价超过400美元,该机的首发销量仍有望在600万至800万台之间。这一数据不仅远超PlayStation 5系列,其首发销量甚至可能领跑于任天堂的前任Switch。这背后是任天堂在历史上积累的良好口碑,以及对目标用户群的准确把握。
IT之家 3 月 15 日消息,科技媒体 The Tech Outlook 今天(3 月 15 日)发布博文,报道称任天堂 Switch 2 游戏掌机的全新无线游戏手柄已通过美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)认证。手柄型号“BEE-021”,FCC ID ...
IT之家 3 月 15 日消息,科技媒体 The Tech Outlook 今天(3 月 15 日)发布博文,报道称任天堂 Switch 2 游戏掌机的全新无线游戏手柄已通过美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)认证。 手柄型号 “BEE-021”, FCC ...
The GameCube controller is a fan-favorite among Super Smash Bros. Melee players, a GameCube title that remains popular in ...
This authentic GameCube-style Nintendo Switch controller comes in wireless or wired models with Super Mario Bros. themes.