Missouri voted to raise the minimum wage and require paid sick leave, but now that could be overturned by the Missouri ...
Burglary reports in Dunklin County lead to the arrests of three people. Missouri Secretary of State Denny Hoskins announced ...
Missing 10-year old Oakville boy is home, MO Supreme Court to rule on Prop A (minimum wage and sick leave), Sen. Duckworth on ...
Missouri voters approved Proposition A by a martin of 15% and more than 445,000 votes. But business groups argue that the ...
The Supreme Court of Missouri heard arguments over Proposition A on Wednesday in a case that looks to overturn its passage.
Does Proposition A violate the Missouri Constitution? That’s what the State Supreme Court is now weighing. The voter-passed ...
The Missouri State Supreme Court heard arguments Wednesday in a lawsuit filed to have Proposition A election results thrown out.
In court and the legislature, efforts continue to repeal or water down a voter-approved law requiring paid sick leave and a ...
The Missouri Supreme Court heard arguments Wednesday morning over the constitutionality of the minimum wage law.
Three justices signaled that the challenge to the minimum wage law may be better suited to be decided in a lower-level courtroom before the Missouri Supreme Court is asked to ...