去年7月的一个下午,加拿大爱德华王子岛的Joe Velaidum和他的伴侣Laura Kelly遛狗时,意外目睹了一场惊心动魄的宇宙事件——他们家门口竟然被陨石撞击,地面满是碎片。两人初时并未意识到这是一场陨石降临,Joe甚至误以为是某种屋顶掉落的东西。当地居民Laura的父母曾听到巨响,怀疑是陨石撞击。Joe查看了家庭监控录像后,才意识到自己的确捕捉到了这一难得的时刻。
A man in Prince Edward Island got doubly lucky last July, recording a meteorite's impact on his home security cameras. The ...
It came by chance from a doorbell camera, recorded last July near the front steps of a home in the Canadian province of ...
IT之家 1 月 20 日消息,加拿大 CTV News 于 1 月 14 日发布博文,报道称加拿大爱德华王子岛(P.E.I.)居民乔・维莱杜姆(Joe ...
That's the sound of a little meteorite smashing into Earth, caught on doorcam. 综合外媒报导,这起事件发生在2024年7月,加拿大爱德华王子岛的Joe Velaidum和妻子外出 ...
It was a simple, sunny afternoon on Canada’s Prince Edward Island as Joe Velaidum and his partner, Laura Kelly, set off to ...
Scientists were in awe of the incident, claiming it was the first time the sound and footage of a meteorite strike were captured together.
Joe Velaidum of Charlottetown on Prince Edward Island narrowly avoided a collision with an incoming meteorite at his home in July.
Joe Velaidum and Laura Kelly, who live on Prince Edward Island, caught a meteorite hitting their property on their doorbell camera. Some say this could be the first video recording of a meteorite that ...
Laura Kelly and partner Joe Velaidum were curious about the dust in front of their home in the Canadian province of Prince ...
With the growing ubiquity of cameras, in our pockets and in our homes, it's not that strange to capture those moments when ...