一位年轻球迷因与圣安东尼奥马刺队的明星球员维克多·文班亚马交换球衣而走红,然而他的父亲却试图阻止球衣以73200美元的天价拍卖。根据cllct的报道称,Frankie Desideri Sr.向拍卖公司GoldenAuctions提出了司法干预请求,请求法院及时阻止该物品的出售,但法院已否决了他的诉求。
Less than a week after selling a game-worn Victor Wembanyama jersey at auction, the seller wants out. Frankie Desideri Sr., the father of a young fan who received a Wembanyama jersey in a viral ...
Victor Wembanyama swapped his game-worn jersey with Frankie Desideri Jr., 5. But the minor's father later put the jersey up ...
The father of a young fan who went viral for swapping jerseys with Victor Wembanyama has filed a request for a judicial intervention.