One step DNA purification | One step sample purification
赞助We Offer hundreds of magnetic beads for Biological applications. Call to Learn More! One step, one tube, one minute protocol to purify your sample and extract your DNA & moreProducts: DNA Purification, Antibody Purification & Applications, Magnetic Rack 和其他DNA Extraction - From a Range of Sample Types
赞助Achieve rapid isolation and purification of genomic and plasmid DNA. Buy Now. Extract high-quality DNA w/ excellent reproducibility for molecular biology experiments.Online Ordering · One site. 70,000 products · Global Shipping · 3-Step Quick Ordering
Types: KingFisher™, TRIzol, Dynabeads, Invitrogen™, BindIt, MagMAX, HulaMixer®Total Nucleic Acid Extraction | Magnetic DNA/RNA Isolation
赞助Achieve higher total nucleic acid recovery with easy-to-use and scalable protocols. Isolate highly purified nucleic acids without the use of spin columns and toxic reagents.网站访客: 过去一个月超过 10K 名